Sunday, March 22, 2009

The end of Spring Break

Returned today from a trip to Atlanta to visit Jerry and April and celebrate their second wedding annivesary - aka St. Pattiversary since they were married on St. Patrick's day. We enjoyed Jerry's home brew (Kolsch and Doppleboch) and many many oysters. Shopped at IKEA, H&M, and hit the Trader Joe's on the way home.

Unfortunately the early part of spring break was hampered by a yucky cold I am still not entirely over so the trip to Florida didn't happen. All in all it was good break...went to the parade on St. Patrick's day,

spent one day at the beach,

and ate pretty well. Now I go back to school and I need to get back on my running routine. Since the congestion is almost gone from my ears this may be possible soon.

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