2010 has been a year of ups and downs as I guess is any year. There were times of great joy, disappointment, stress, pain, fun, sadness, celebration and all that goes into your typical year. It has felt like a tougher year than typical for me so I thought instead of reflecting on a somewhat disappointing year for me, I would reflect on the people in my life who amaze me every day; people I am more than proud and greatly honored to call friends.
Here is a breakdown of some of the amazing things I get to witness:
Despite a year of great personal stress, one friend of mine has completed 3 half marathons, managed to have more grace than just about anyone could expect and is planning to do a full marathon next year. I know I can’t quite keep up that pace, but I am so looking forward to another year of knowing her and watching what comes next.
I have another friend who is a few months into a yearlong trip around the world! She and a friend of hers started in South America and are currently finding magic and wonder and much of themselves in Africa. Later in the trip they will be in parts of Asia!! WOW. It has been so inspiring to watch their progress and read about their journeys, both physical and spiritual. You can follow them too on http://www.girlventures.net/
I have spent this year getting to know my neighbor whom I am now glad to count among my friends. She too is amazing. She is a gifted artist albeit a very humble one. She loves tradition – so much so, she cuts down her own Christmas tree every year. In addition to being artistically gifted – she is one hell of a sports fan and totally devoted to those Baltimore teams as well as a very special attachment to the Savannah Sand Gnats. OH and she happens to make, hands down, the BEST margarita!
Two great friends are raising a wonderful young man, composting with worms and now raising chickens?!? They are also accomplishing knocking off camping at GA State parks one by one and tackling new feats in running. Congrats on your first 10K – we will definitely do the next one together!
Losing both parents within a month, another friend has shown great strength and courage and as always, a delightful sense of humor. It has been a great privilege to count myself among her friends.
My academic genius friend is on book number three and continues to travel the globe with a trip to Egypt looming on the horizon. Her husband – a documentarian – is making sure we all know of and appreciate our troops in Iraq. This wonderful pair is also working on adopting who will be a very, very lucky child.
A son away at college, a husband with a hip replacement, a brilliant second son with a few special needs – this woman can put the energizer bunny to the test. I am so impressed.
A precocious grandchild of this friend wrote to an author about a liking a book…that author responded in a hand written letter and is inviting us all to meet her in February. This friend is also an AWESOME baker and a pleasure to know.
My best friend continues to share half of my brain and though she insists on living way too far away I always take comfort in the fact that she is ever present in my life and my heart. I don’t know how I would survive without her.
My family continues to be a source of love and support and I really couldn’t ask for more from them.
I continue to be amazed at the people in my life. I am so lucky to have them as examples of strength, love, support, and wisdom and many other adjectives I am sure I am missing. I look forward to 2011 with these and many other friends I am sure I forgot to mention here. I look forward to seeing the success my students find and hope that in some small way I am a part of that success. I wish all of my friends and family continued success and I will continue to be amazed by you all. I hope for a year of health and happiness and new adventures.
Blog Writing as Therapy...?
1 month ago
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